Tabular Reports: Reviewing and Completing

As you're designing your report you can view it either from a single document view or as an entire table view and confirm the items we've found to prepare it for publishing and exporting.

As mentioned in the previous article, once you start designing your report from the first document there are several ways to proceed, alternating between the single document view (which we will call the SDV) and the report grid (which we call the Tabular View). Moving between these two, you can continue to add, remove, edit, and reorder your report.

As you work there is another important process to prepare your report for publishing and exporting - confirming the items you've chosen among a selection of 20 documents (or less if your doc set contains less than 20 documents). This process not only gives you a chance to review for any errors in tagging or incorrect content but also provides crucial training data to improve the final results, particularly in larger doc sets. This process can take place in either the SDV or the Tabular View.

Confirming Items in the SDV:

As you navigate to the Next Doc from the first document you used to start building your report, you will notice that all of the same report items are listed but whereas they were marked in blue when you added them, they are now now marked in green. Docugami uses these two colors to distinguish between the work done by you, the user, and Docugami, the machine.

These items can be in one of three states with several options of action:

  1. Correctly found - this means Docugami was able to find the content of this item correctly. In this case, hover over the green area of the cardlet and a check mark will appear. Click this which will confirm the item in green.
  2. Incorrectly found - this means that Docugami found the content for this item but it was incorrect. If this is the case, clear and replace the contents of the cardlet and this will confirm the item in blue.
  3. Empty - this means Docugami was unable to find content associated with this item which may be correct or incorrect. If it is correct (for example, the item is a clause that does not appear in this document because it does NOT belong in this document) you can simply hover over the green area of the cardlet and confirm the item in green. If this is incorrect (for example, the item is a clause that belongs in this document but we did not find it) you can fix the error by finding and adding the content to this item which will confirm it in blue.

At the top of each report item list, if there are any items that need confirmation on this document, there is a Confirm All button which you can click to confirm every item for that document. This allows you to quickly review and make multiple confirmations with a single click.

Navigating While Confirming:

As you confirm entire documents, notice that the bar underneath that particular document number in the document navigator turns green. This is a handy way to keep track of which documents are confirmed and which need to be confirmed.

You can use this to navigate to other documents in order to confirm them by clicking on any of the document numbers. You can also use the Next Doc button in the header to navigate to the next document in order. Another way to navigate between documents is to click on the document name at the top of the report item list and a dropdown will appear with all of the documents listed by name. Simply click on the one you want to navigate to.

Alternatively, you can go to the Tabular View which will show you all of the documents and all of the items for each. Clicking on a document name in this view will return you to the SDV with that document shown (see below).

As you work, you can continue to add, remove or reorder the items in the report item list. Just note that if you added all of your items initially on the first document, then confirmed all of the items for the next three documents and then add a NEW item on the fifth document, you will need to return to documents 1-4 to confirm the new item.

Confirming Items in the Tabular View:

At any point, you can view your entire report by clicking on the grid icon which will take you to the Tabular View. This will display a table that contains up to 20 documents, one in each row, and all of the report items you've selected thus far, one in each column.

Cells of content that you have directly added to the report will be marked in blue as previously mentioned, as will any cells that you have made corrections to. All other cells will be marked in green, showing that they have been found by Docugami. As in the SDV, you can hover over these cells and click the check mark to confirm them. 

You'll notice that the tag of the item (at the top of the column) and the name of the document (at the front of the row) are also marked in green. These allow you to confirm all for all of the items in an entire document or all of the documents for an entire item. 

Note that if you need to make corrections you can either click on a document name to open it in the SDV or, more specifically, you can click on a cell that will take you to that particular content within that document in the SDV.

As you work in this view, you'll also notice that there is a bar graph depicting the data found. In this graph the blue denotes any individual items you selected to build the report as well as any items (per document) that Docugami has found based on your list. This graph is helpful to understand how much work you, as a user are doing, versus how much Docugami is doing.

In most cases there will be a small proportion of blue to green (this varies depending on how many docs are in the doc set) showing that Docugami is providing good results. But in extreme cases when Docugami is having a particularly hard time with a doc set you may find a greater user-to-machine ratio. If this happens you may want to contact your Docugami representative to see if we can determine the issue and what, if anything, can be done to improve results for this doc set.

Our Suggested Workflow:

Different users work with Docugami in a variety of ways but one of the most efficient ways we've found to build a report is this:

  1. Select your report items from the first one or two documents in the SDV.
  2. Switch to the Tabular View and scan the results for accuracy. If you find any documents whose items are all correct, click Confirm All. Alternatively, if you find any items which are correct across all documents you can click Confirm All for them.
  3. Now find those items which need correction. If it is simply an incorrect chunk that we've found, click that cell which will take you to it in the document and replace it. Note that when you do this the item itself will be automatically confirmed in blue since you, the user, did the work. If the item is empty, click the document name, find the correct chunk within the document and replace it. Again, this will be automatically confirmed in blue.
  4. Once all corrections are made, return to the Tabular View and, using either Confirm All button (by document or by item), confirm the rest of the items.

Once all of the items have been confirmed for (up to) 20 of your documents, your report is ready to PUBLISH and EXPORT! Learn more about that in the next article.