Tabular Reports: Publishing and Exporting

Once you've built your report and provided training data via confirmations, you can publish your report and it will be ready to export in a variety of ways.

Publishing Your Report:

When you've finished confirming all of your initial documents, a Publish button will appear in the project header.  Click this and you'll be taken to a Report Summary Page. This shows how many items you have in your report, how many documents you've confirmed, and how many you have remaining (if any). 

More importantly, it gives you two options for remaining documents - either those that are currently in the doc set or future ones that might be added/synced:

  • Auto-Confirm Documents - in a document set of more than 20 documents, the remaining documents will be automatically confirmed and published immediately. Select this if you got mostly accurate results from the first 20 documents and don't need to individually review every document.
  • Manually Confirm Documents - in a document set of more than 20 documents, you will be given another 20 documents to review and confirm before publishing. Select this if the results were less accurate from the first 20 documents or if you need to individually review all items across every document.

As noted on the Summary page, publishing will lock the item columns so if you need to change anything at this stage you should return to the Report Designer and complete your changes before proceeding. You can always edit the report at a later time but just be aware that you will need to republish it after it has been edited.

When you're ready, click the Publish button and your report will begin publishing (depending on the size of your doc set and the number of items in your report this can take some time so you may wish to come back to your report later).  This will open the Tabular View of the report and cells will begin populating. 

Exporting Your Report:

You will see an animated indicator on the right-hand side of the report header bar as it processes. Once this is done the indicator will show Ready with a check mark and the status in the project header bar will show Published. Your report is now ready to be exported. There are several export options available:

  1. Export Report - using this option you can connect to a 3rd party storage provider like Dropbox and export the report to the location of your choice.
  2. Download Spreadsheet - using this option you can download a .xls file to your computer.
  3. Download DGML - advanced users can download a DGML file of the underlying code for the report.

Be aware that you can export your report at any time during the publishing process but only the cells that have finished publishing will be displayed in the table so you will want to export again when publishing is complete.