What is a project?

Projects are the functional use of document data, creating value from trapped information. These are organized into three different project types - Reports, Authoring and Automated Workflows.


Aside from adding and managing your docs and doc sets, almost everything you do in Docugami is in the form of a Project which we have organized into three types:

  • Reports - in a Report you choose a doc set, select a number of different pieces of information (called chunks), confirm those chunks across 20 or more different documents and then Docugami outputs a tabular report of these chunks across all documents in the doc set.
  • Authoring - when Authoring you create a new doc based on different types of chunks within the docs across a doc set. This can include building abstracts for all of the docs in a doc set or even creating a brand new document based on starter doc from a doc set.
  • Automated Workflows - In this case you connect any of the supported 3rd party products and create data workflows by integrating data selected from your documents into their workflow capability.

A project is your data in action, turning documents into data into insights. Using the deconstructed data to extract information, create documents, or automate processes is the role of Docugami projects. Projects consist of 3 parts. An input doc set, a series of user steps, and an output

Input: every project is based on a doc set, a family of similar documents like NDAs, rental agreements, and service contracts. These will be the body of material that Docugami deconstructs, seamlessly turning documents into useable data. 

Steps: Depending on the type of project, the steps are interaction with specific documents in the doc set, selecting chunks of information to be extracted, populating fields with chunks of text, and checking for general language compliance. Docugami is continuously adding features that make working with documents more compliant, more efficient, and more productive. 

Output: the output of projects are new files, which are typically exported to a synced cloud storage folder or downloaded locally. These new files can be an Excel spreadsheet or a new Word document.